It is important to raise awareness of the significance of employee representatives’ role in companies not only in EU Members but also in countries that are in any stage of EU accession process.

WIM3 project activities will be switched from generally informative to concrete ones. Namely, the experiment in pilot companies will be implemented. This will add value and introduce actual benefits of the employee participation in decision making processes. Activities and results will refer to all relevant stakeholders – governments, employers and trade unions, not only in countries, where the experiment will be implemented (Macedonia, Montenegro), but also in other EU Candidates and potential Candidates.

Transfer of know-how and experience will help actors at company level to better involve employees in positive decision management of change in this region.

Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia have successfully implemented employee involvement in undertakings model into national lаw. However, In WIM3 an online survey will be made among employers to obtain sufficient information on the state of play of employee involvement and thus to obtain an overview of the adequacy of national legislation. Recommendations for improvements of national law in respective countries will be prepared, as well as necessary steps for a modernisation of labour market to facilitate the creation of more and better jobs and promote the competitiveness of the economy. Common opinion on adequacy of EU acts in the area of Information and Consultation of Workers will be prepared as well.

Geographical area of intervention: International

Duration of the project: 1.12.2017 – 30.11.2019

Budget: 334 994 €

Donor institution/ programme: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EC)

  • to acquaint social partners and actors at company level with the relevant content of employee involvement and to instruct them on the importance of effective employees’ representation bodies to contribute to company decisions, reinforcing business competitiveness and results and more efficient coping with the challenges of global competition;
  • to initiate transnational actions and co-operation for improvement of current situation of employee involvement in New Member States and Candidate Countries;
  • to promote the EU law and policies on employee involvement in participating EU Candidates, namely through exchange of information, expertise and good practice, as well as to create favourable conditions for the setting up of mechanisms and national information, consultation and participation bodies;
  • to examine the feasibility of implementation of the Acquis Communautaire (EU law as well as European standards, recommendations) in the EU Candidates, and of improvement of the existing national legislation in the New Member States;
  • to adapt the relations between employers and employees to changes in employment and work related challenges (such as the modernisation of labour markets, quality of work and decent work;
  • to strengthen cooperation between employers and employees for the development of employee involvement which could better address the consequences of the economic crisis.
  • Employers’ associations
  • Trade unions
  • Companies
  • Representatives of workers and employees
  1. Association of Employers of Slovenia ZDS (lead partner)
  2. Bulgarian Industrial Association BIA
  3. Business Confederation of Macedonia BCM
  4. Montenegrin Employers’ Federation UPCG
  5. Serbian Association of Employers UPS
  6. Union of Albanian Business BiznesAlbania
  7. Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia SSM
  8. Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro UFTUM
  9. The Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania UITUA
  10. The confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia CATUS
  11. Confederation of German Employers Association BDA (supporting partner)
Martin Stoyanov
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 33