Raising awareness of SMEs on their environmental impact and at giving them access to information and services that will help them to better produce with lower energy consumption.

Target groups

SMEs from the sectors textile, building materials, food and Production and processing of metals

CIP/Enterprise Europe Network
Budget line
1 018 300 EUR, 80% co-financing

Provision of environmental services among SMEs in the form of seminars and training


Conclusion of effective partnerships with the relevant environmental service providers (ESPs) will guarantee SMEs access to a regional offer that will meet their needs

Vesselin Iliev
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 54
Milena Stoeva
1000 Sofia, 16-20, Alabin Str.
+3592 932 09 34
Silviya Todorova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 30