
  • Raising the knowledge of the use of various flexible forms of labour employment, their practical application, familiarization with existing legislative practices and thus achieving a better perception and application of these employment forms;
  • Achieving a higher innovativeness in the collective labour bargaining and improving the social dialogue level in the new EU member states by means of including flexible employment forms in the collective labour bargaining.

The project has been financed by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
  • Bulgarian Industrial Association /BIA/
  • Training Center of Saxon Industry - BSW / Germany
  • Confederation of Hungarian Employers ans Industrialists - MGYOSZ / Hungary
  • Alliance of Employers Confederations of Romania- ACPR / Romania
  • Association of Employers of Slovenia - ZDS / Slovenia
  • Asturian Federation of Employers- FADE / Spain
Lyudmila Metsova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 22