Website of the project:

Duration of the project: 01.09.2019 - 30.04.2022

Donor institution/ programme: Erasmus+ 

Total Budget: 244.000 €

Role in the project: beneficiary

Partners: Elidea Associated Psychologists; BIA; Militos Consulting S.A.; ADi (a.s.b.l.); “M.V. Lomonosov” Vocational School of Electrical Engineering & Electronics; R&DO Ltd.

Geographical area of intervention: International


  • to define solutions for facilitating the activation of key soft skills during short-term mobility experiences and therefore promoting a conjunct effort of enterprises, schools and training agencies working together on improving the design and overall implementation of short term VET mobility experiences with the sole objective of improving consistently the impact of such experiences on students and organizations.
  • enhancing the ability of students to manage their personal growth through a better awareness of themselves and their skills and it aims to provide students with an innovative learning model which supports the development and assessment of transversal skills in a specific learning situation: a short (lasting less than a month) term work-based learning experience abroad.

Target groups: Students, teachers and enterprises

Main results: Skills Act 4 VET addresses the following questions:

  • How can transnational short-term work-based mobility experiences effectively ensure transversal skills activation among young participants?
  • Which transversal skills can be effectively activated through transnational short-term work-based mobility experiences?
  • How can schools and institutional actors involved in learning mobility projects facilitate soft skills activation?
  • Overall the project aims at reaching directly over 2.000 students and 800 teachers.
Vesselin Iliev
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 54