Website of the project:

Duration of the project: 1.10.2019-31.12.2021

Donor institution/ programme: Erasmus+ KA204

Total Budget: 211.000 €

Role in the project: Lead partner

Partners: European Startup Network - Brussels, Stichting Incubator – Leeuwarden Netherlands, DEUSTO University – Bilbao, Innovation management club - Sofia, Chamber of Slovenia

Geographical area of intervention: International

Goals: Labor force capacity improvement in line with the Industry 4.0 challenges. The main project goal is to provide skill improvement opportunities to companies’ staff (managers and employees) in order to connect international start-ups, scaleups, and established companies operating in specific verticals with focus on modern technologies and innovation (Industry 4.0) through a robust model of collaboration under the paradigm of open innovation. 

Target groups: Industry

Main results: Developing a new educational approach (by the platform), as well as content and materials, in order to foster collaboration and innovation management based on the new standards group CEN/TS 16555.

The project focuses on business-to-business collaboration as key target are start-ups, scale-ups from one side and mid-sized and large corporats - from another. The specific target group is the staff of both groups - companies in start/growth and established companies. The project targets primarily mid- and upper level managers and secondary - employees - in innovation and collaboration roles.

“Upskilling lab 4.0.” as it is revealed by the name aims to establish a model and conditions for collaboration in the Lab conditions for testing and developing innovations for two groups of businesses: in growth - start-ups and scale-ups and established - mid-sized and large. The project evolves through iteration cycles as it develops innovations and non-existing training products. The main results are the intellectual outputs with the intermediate results generated at the development steps (activities).


Vesselin Iliev
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 54