
For over 90 years, the University of Forestry is the only university in Bulgaria that specializes in forestry, wood technology and furniture manufacturing, engineering design if furniture and landscaping (now known as landscape architecture).

Specialists in Ecology and Environmental Protection, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy and Plant Protection, Business Management and Alternative Tourism are also trained at the UoF.

The university is a leading educational and scientific center in the field of management and sustainable use of natural resources.

Since the adoption of the Higher Education Act in December 1995, the university has introduced the 3-step form of study: “Bachelors”, “Masters” and “PhD”, and has adopted the European Credit Transfer System (ECTs).

The university motto is: “An education, lead with Bulgarian traditions by European standards”. The aim of the UoF is to create an academic environment that emphasizes the values of professionalism, freedom of speech and thinking, humanism, cooperation and tolerance.

The following departments and faculties are to be found at the UoF:

The Faculty of Forestry includes the preparation of the students in the following specialties: Forestry with Bachelors and Masters and Leso-use with a Masters degrees.

The Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture leads the specialty Ecology, Conservation and Restoration of the Natural Environment (Bachelors and Masters) and the specialty “Landscape Architecture” (Masters).

The Faculty of Forestry has 4 specialties: Wood processing and furniture production- Bachelors; Mechanical wood technology- Masters; Woodworking machines and equipment- Masters and Interior design and furniture design- Masters.

Students of Agronomy and Plant protection are trained at the Faculty of Agronomy (offering both Bachelors and Masters programs).

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine prepares veterinary medicine specialists with a Masters program.

The Faculty of Business Administration leads the following subjects: Business Administration (Bachelors and Masters) in the fields of Forest Management and Forestry Management and Alternative Tourism (Bachelors).

The Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies organizes the preparation of the students in the form of part-time training and provides short and long- term qualification courses in various fields of economics, science and art.