

Bonuses in the large number of cases will be symbolic.

63 % of companies intend to pay Christmas bonuses to its employees. This shows the results of express unrepresentative survey conducted by the BIA and bTV on 3 and 4 December this year.

Only 27% of respondents declared that this year's bonuses will be higher than the previous. This once again shows that the crisis is still a serious impact on Bulgarian companies.

One in four employers (24%) plans to reward employees with a full net wage, and every third (32%) will pay half salary bonus. Quite serious, however, the percentage of employers(41%) to limit bonuses to 10-30% of salary.

The most generous employer is the heavy industry, where every third (29%) stated its readiness to reward their employees with pre-Christmas over wages, and even so are employers who will allocate half salary bonus.

33% of the light industry companies are planning Christmas bonus amounting to half a salary. The smallest percentage of employers who do not intend to delight your employees for Christmas (14%), lies precisely in light industry.

37% of companies operating in the service sector are prepared to grant a Christmas bonus of up to one half salary. At the same time, mostly in the "services" are the most (33%)companies that do not intend to give bonuses.

In comparison   more willing to grant additional remuneration of employees are export-oriented companies, 54% of them plan between half and one salary bonus.

For companies who are planning Christmas bonuses, the distribution of percentages is as follows:

  • Heavy industry- 37%onhalf pay, 36%-overwages;
  • Light industry-25% ofrespondentsprovide30%to 50% and100% bonus;
  • Services- 47%half pay,one in five-between 70and 100% ofsalary;
  • Export-oriented- 37%onhalf pay,36% -70-100% ofsalary;
  • Workingfor the domestic market- 31%at halfsalary, 23%ofa salary.


It can be seen that the activity of firms completing the survey is not very high, probably due to the lack of willingness to comment on this topic.


The full text and graphics, see the attached file below!


Date: 04.12.2011

Readed: 4316