

BIA introduce before the Assembly its opinion on the draft law for waste management submitted by the Coalition for Bulgaria

Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of Bulgarian business repeatedly expressed the need to develop a new draft law on waste management on the basis of a working concept of managing the main waste streams, impact assessment and, above all, consideration of proposals from interested countries.

The proposed new project, submitted by MPs Peter Kurumbashev retains the existing problems and offers no decisive action in relation to waste management.

Regarding the arrangements for management called. "widely distributed waste". Again is stored the uncertainties of the status of so-called. "Recovery organizations," including working in a competitive regime for non-profit distribution(instead of introducing effective competition based on market principles or clear their registration as institutions of public law, responsible for overall management of a widely distributed type of waste). The issuance of permits and control are concentrated in the Ministry, whose status is a key organ for conducting environmental policy, not the body or an executive agency under current legislation. There are specific and clear requirements for implementation and enforcement of standards in carrying out activities for recycling and recovery. Are preserved and bank guarantees, which are not clearly specified objective way of determining the person entitled to learning and ambiguity of EMEPA obligations on persons who have paid the full amount of fees and other product.

Regarding waste management. The proposed draft law still does not put an overriding requirement and apply the European principle of "polluter pays" levy on waste, defined by different municipalities based on the amount of waste generated in.

Regarding the hazardous waste management. The bill does not provide the necessary cardinal solutions of long accumulated problems of hazardous industrial and hazardous waste and lack of investment in infrastructure for treatment.

BIA supports again the need to solve trade problems with waste metals and denial of the impending closure of sites located in municipalities without adopted general plans. BIA maintains its position once again from July this year for the implementation of new principles and concepts of managing the main waste streams, development of relevant impact assessment and taking into considerate on the opinions and suggestions of key stakeholders.


Date: 17.11.2011

Readed: 5506