

Managers and professionals in the HR management companies from the Bourgas region, vice-rectors of both universities in Burgas, representatives of the regional government and municipal officials in the Regional Employment Service, trade unions and chambers of industry experts attended the establishment of Regional Centre for competency assessment.

After the presentation of the work of regional centers to assess the competence and functions of local importance in the debate on the project on the local economy took part vice rector of the Bourgas Free University "Prof. Dr. Zlatarov », Head of" Human Resources "of the" Port of Bourgas "JSC, Chairman of the Bourgas Regional Tourism Association, and experts« Lukoil Neftochim Bulgaria "AD.

The parties agreed that it is extremely important unifying the theme of the project with training programs in universities in majors, and about the need to seek for opportunity the project to find application in state institutions and municipalities. Participants in the meeting in Burgas asked to conduct training of assessors of competencies. All present expressed a general opinion that the implementation of the project will optimize the work of specialists in human resources, and the heads of the respective companies and departments.


Date: 09.11.2011

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