

BIA project development and implementation of an information system for assessing the competence of the workforce in sectors and regions was presented by Georgi Slavov, IT director at BIA, the participants in the forum "systems management business." Mr. Slavov briefed the participants Forum with the objectives and results achieved so far on the project. He drew attention to the business benefits of information system for assessing the competence of the workforce, stressing that through it the heads of companies will be able to more effectively manage their human resources . According to Georgi Slavov, complete absorption of European funds is a valuable opportunity for businesses (especially SMEs) to improve managerial and production processes in companies, which will reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

The "Systems Business Management" was held today, October 27, 2011, Sheraton Hotel in Sofia and was under the patronage of Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov. Organizers are in partnership with the Bulgarian Industrial Association, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce Industry.


More information here

Date: 27.10.2011

Readed: 4217