
Today, February 5th, was held a meeting between the leadership of BIA and the President of the Polish Confederation of Private Employers – LEWIATAN, Ms. Henryka Bochniarz. BIA was presented by the President Bojidar Danev and the vice-presidents Georgi Shivarov and Kamen Kolev, and also by the Director General “International Projects and organizations” Branimir Handjiev.

Both organizations represent the interests of the employers from their native countries in Europe through their membership in BUSINESSEUROPE.

During the conversation the President of BIA Bojidar Danev presented the actual condition of the Bulgarian economy and also presented few of the projects that are being carried out by BIA in the frames of the international cooperation.

Ms. Bochniarz showed special interest in the Bulgarian Enterprises Information System (BEIS) that is supported by BIA, and in some specific services provided by BIA, including the arbitrating trade disputes, the activities of the Centre for Computer Training and the Regional Cisco Academy which is the only one on the Balkan Peninsula.
Among the latest successful BIA projects, that Mr. Danev presented, are those implemented with the cooperation of ILO.

Ms. Bochniarz showed interest in the functioning of the system for tripartite dialog in Bulgaria, and expressed her surprise caused by the existing disproportion in the number of the employers’ organizations and the trade unions on national level (respectively – six employers’ and two trade unions).

During the conversation was discussed the equally serious for both countries problem regarding the lack of workers and the necessity of improvement of the international image of both countries among the citizens of the older Member States of EU.

The leaders of BIA and LEWIATAN negotiated common actions for strengthening the mutual activities on the exchange of “best practices” and the implementation of projects with European financing, and Ms. Bochniarz invited Mr. Danev to organize a visitation of a business delegation in Poland this spring during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Roman Treaties.

Date: 05.02.2007

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