
The closing conference on FLEMCEE project - Flexible Employment and Social Dialogue Development in the CEE - Increasing the Number of Good Active Employers' Practices - took place today, 3 November 2010, at Sofia Grand Hotel in the city of Sofia. The Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business organized the event.

BIA implemented FLEMCEE project in partnership with employers' organizations from Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania. The project was funded by the European Commission and supported by BUSINESSEUROPE - Confederation of the European Business.

Mr. Branimir Handjiev, Director General of BIA and FLEMCEE Project Coordinator opened the conference and Mr. Dimitar Brankov, Vice President of BIA, moderated the event. Mr. Steven D'Haeseleer, Social Affairs Director at BUSINESSEUROPE delivered a speech on "Labour Market and Employment Policies Beyond Crisis" which was followed by a number of other presentations and a lively discussion afterwards.

The conference was attended by numerous leading experts in the field of labour policy and social dialogue, among which were Ms Elka Dimitrova, Director of "Labour Market Policy" Directorate at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria, Ms Barbara Hantschmann, Training Center of Saxon Industry (BSW) in Germany, Mr. Winfried Schwen, former HR Director at Mercedes-Benz Germany, Mr. Alejandro Blanco, HR Director at Astrian Fedelation of Entrepeneurs - FADE Spain, Mr. Anze Hirsl, Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS), Ms Daniela Grigoriu from the Alliance of Employers' Confederations of Romania (ACPR).

Date: 04.11.2010

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