
The first workshop on the development and implementation of a National Reference Network for Assessing the Competence of the Workforce by Sectors and Regions took place on April 27 - 28 2010 at the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

The forum was part of a project from the Human Resources Development Operational Programme, which has been implemented by BIA in cooperation with the Confederation of the Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria and Podkrepa Labour Confederation.

Over 70 representatives of regional and branch organizations, members of BIA, state institutions and consulting employment agencies, as well as Human Resources managers from leading companies discussed the steps and succession in developing the national Reference Network for Assessing the Competence of the Workforce by Sectors and Regions. The system will include reference centers within 10 regional and 20 branch organizations.

The network objective is to guarantee the report of the actual demand of workforce with specific professional competences in the sectors and regions. Based on this reference network, an Information System to Assess the Competence of the Workforce by Sectors and Regions (ISAC) will be developed, which is the basic project objective.


Date: 28.04.2010

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