

BusinessEurope welcomes the European Commission’s commitment to reinforcing Europe’s competitiveness and its ambition for a “bolder, simpler and faster Union” in its 2025 Work Programme.

Markus J. Beyrer, BusinessEurope Director General, said:

"While the Work Programme includes positive initiatives, like the Omnibus packages and a simplification agenda, their actual impact on reducing business burdens is yet to be seen. It is encouraging that around a quarter of the 51 new initiatives have a simplification dimension, but these might not outweigh the impact of the 123 still pending legislative proposals. If the overall cumulative burden on companies continues to increase, this would fall far short of a “one in, one out” approach. We therefore need to see the overall burden reduction program, with clear milestones and timeline – from short to mid-term.”

Beyrer stressed that businesses need more than just reporting simplification:

“To truly ease the burden, the Commission must go beyond simplifying reporting and implement measures that will rapidly relieve businesses and foster investment. This includes addressing the energy cost differential with our major competitors, accelerating the market deployment of innovation and making permitting procedures faster. Ultimately, what matters for companies is that they see tangible improvements in their daily operations.

The Commission must now take bold and fast action to fulfil its promise of making it easier to do business in Europe.”

Date: 12.02.2025

Source: BusinessEurope

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