

The number of employees under labour contract at the end of September 2024 decreased by 22.8 thousand, or 1.0%, as compared to the end of June 2024 and reached 2.33 million according to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute (NSI). The highest decrease was observed in the economic activities: ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ - by 11.5%, ‘Agriculture, forestry and fishing’ - by 3.2%, and ‘Arts, entertainment and recreation’ - by 2.8%. The highest increase of the number of employees - by 1.2% was recorded in the economic activity ‘Human health and social work activities’.

In the third quarter of 2024, in comparison with the second quarter of 2024, the average monthly wages and salaries decreased by 0.9% and reached 2 275 BGN. The highest decrease in wages and salaries was reported in ‘Public administration and defence; compulsory social security’ - by 3.1%, ‘Financial and insurance activities’ - by 2.2%, and in ‘Construction’ - by 1.9%.

Date: 13.11.2024

Source: National Statistical Institute

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