
A meeting of the Board of BIA was held

The Board of Management of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) adopted at a meeting held today (22 May 2024) the annual activity reports and annual financial statements for 2023 of BIA and the sole trading companies owned by BIA - "BIA - Property", Publishing House "Bozhidar Danev" and BIC "Capital Market".

The Board members were also briefed on the main highlights of BIA's operational activities in the period from 13 March to 22 May 2024:

  • During the period, one meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation and three plenary sessions of the Economic and Social Council of the RB were held, as well as the 586th plenary session of the EESC. BIA representatives also participated in the work of BusinessEurope, the European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions, Dublin (EUROFOUND) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Thessaloniki (CEDEFOP), as well as in numerous working groups, public councils and other partnership bodies.
  • More than 10 official positions have been drawn up on topical issues in the field of social and economic policy, including environmental protection, migration, etc.
  • Talks between employers and trade unions are ongoing to discuss a potential joint proposal to define a mechanism for setting the minimum wage.
  • Various types of training, seminars and discussion forums have been held.
  • Work has started on the "Together for Sustainable Employment" project, funded under the Human Resources Development Programme 2021-2027, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus.

Three branch and one regional organization and five commercial companies were accepted as full members of BIA as follows:

The next meeting of the BIA Board will be held on 18 September 2024.

Date: 22.05.2024

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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