
  • The ageing of the workforce
  • Stress at work and so-called burnout
  • The Effects of Digital Transformation and the Concomitant Cybersecurity Problem
  • The expert capacity of branch and regional employers' organizations

These are some of the highlights included in the latest project of BIA


The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) started the implementation of a 4-year project under the Human Resources Development Program 2021-2027, funded by the European Social Fund Plus. BIA's partners in the implementation of the project are the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP) and the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB).

The project "Together for Sustainable Employment" has a total value of 7 666 139,96 BGN and is aimed at creating a favorable environment and tools for adapting human resource management and industrial relations policies to the changes in the labor market resulting from digitalization, the transition to climate neutrality and the worsened demographic situation in Bulgaria.

Within the project, 91 studies, 5 analyses and 25 reports will be carried out. Part of the studies will explore good international practices and corporate experience in the field of: change management, talent, organizational culture and employer branding, in the context of age diversity of the workforce; stress management and occupational exhaustion (burnout); creation, development and use of analytical data on the needs of new Skills; assessment of needs for the circular economy and the green transition, the introduction of low-carbon, resource-efficient and waste-free processes and technologies.

9 models and 7 e-tools in the field of human resource management and training will be developed and implemented. Also, four manuals and 79 training and certification programs will be prepared.

360 employees, as well as management teams from different industries and regions, will undergo a series of trainings, including a soft skills academy and 17 types of training to develop practical skills for the implementation of innovative models and manuals in the activities of enterprises.

A number of other activities are planned aimed at adapting SMEs to changes in the labor market due to increased requirements in the field of information and network security, including the development of a manual, consultations, trainings, etc.

A special focus within the project will be placed on three extremely important problems on the labor market – the management of age diversity and generational differences in enterprises, stress at work and the so-called Age Diversity Management burnout (professional overheating), as well as the adaptation of enterprises and employees to the changes related to the digital transition in the development of human resources and the labor market. A large part of the analyses, studies, trainings and consultations are focused on these three topics.

Among the key tasks of the project is to increase the capacity and expertise of the regional and branch organizations that are part of the BIA network with a view to their inclusion in all stages of the European Semester cycle and the development of new industrial relations in the context of Industry 4.0. In this regard, 20 discussion forums will be formed (broken down by policies) related to industrial and social policy, green and digital transition and sustainable development. Branch and regional organizations will be helped to develop their own communication channels, as well as skills for public speaking, participation in public forums, media, etc. It is envisaged to develop 10 communication plans of organizations from the BIA network, build and maintain 10 Facebook pages, organize 10 press conferences and 240 media appearances, distribute 240 press releases and 48 newsletters "Social Dialogue", as well as the development of 20 types of leaflets on various topics.

For the first time in Bulgaria, an Electronic System (a specialized online platform) will be built and implemented for research, transfer and use of analytical data on the needs of new skills of the workforce, covering databases for 5 economic sectors (industries) and 5 regions.

Based on the analyses, studies and discussions, 5 action plans and at least 20 positions with recommendations and proposals for improving public policies on the key topics of the project will be prepared.

The project officially started on January 15 this year and will continue until December 31, 2027, and is expected to determine the focus of BIA's commitments and behavior in this period, namely – with a focus on digital transformation, demographic reflections on the labor market, stress at work, skills of the future, etc. socially significant problems not only for Bulgaria but also for the world.

Date: 12.02.2024

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

Readed: 1995