
What is Futures Literacy and is it related to futurology?

According to UNESCO, this is a key ability to understand and use the role of the future in what we do at the moment, Christina Kasparian explained to BNR-Radio Sofia, head of the Enterprise Europe Network team at the Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of Bulgarian Business (BIA), director of "International Economic Relations Center" of BIA.

Behind this term lie many different skills - for leadership and strategy, for planning and management, skills for overcoming the poverty of imagination.

"What knowledge and skills do we need to have in order to recognize these signals from the present that define different types of possible (probable) futures," Kasparian added.

According to her, those who have literacy for the future cope much more easily and successfully with sudden changes (such as the pandemic and war, for example). They can analyze the facts and derive benefits from them.

And this is important not only for huge companies that also have special departments, but also for every person.

For progressive corporations, the goal is not to wait, but to create the future.

Some universities already include Futures Literacy in degree programs.

Date: 26.09.2023

Source: BNRBulgarian National Radio

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