
A meeting of the Board of BIA was held

One new arbitrator and two new mediators were added to the Arbitration Court at BIA. The members of the BIA Governing Council at their meeting today (20 September 2023) approved the nominations of Simeon Chanachev as a member of the Arbitration College, Tomislav Toshkov and Prodan Tanev as members of the College of Mediators.

The members of the Management Board were acquainted with the main accents in the operational activities of the BIA in the period 14.06.2023 - 20.09.2023, including the participation of representatives of the Association in the work of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation, the Economic and Social Council of the RB, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Business Confederation BusinessEurope and other partnership bodies at national and international level.

11 commercial companies were admitted as full members of BIA.

Date: 20.09.2023

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

Readed: 2020