
At the National Statistical Institute, according to preliminary data, 44 licensed insurers, 10 pension companies and 31 supplementary pension funds managed by them, as well as 19 funds for making payments, 252 special investment purpose companies and 10 137 associations and foundations have submitted their annual reports for 2022.

Insurance companies

For 2022, a total of 44 licensed insurance companies have submitted their annual reports at the National Statistical Institute, with balance value of assets as of 31.12.2022 for 8 881 million BGN and realised turnover[1] for 3 711 million BGN.

In 2022, the insurance companies have reported a positive financial result of their activity for 234 million BGN. In the life insurance sector, profit of 69 million BGN is realised while in non-life insurance sector, the profit reached 165 million BGN.

Pension Companies and Pension Funds

In 2022, 10 pension companies have been active, with balance value of assets the end of the year for 543 million BGN.

The operating income of pension companies for 2022 is 296 million BGN and the realised profit amounted to 69 million BGN.

For the reference year 2022, 31 supplementary pension funds have submitted annual reports for their activity at the NSI, as well as 19 funds for making payments. The balance value assets of supplementary pension insurance fund as of 31.12.2022 is 19 291 million BGN and the investments reached 17 321 million BGN. The balance value assets of pension payment funds as of 31.12.2022 is 69 million BGN and the investments reached 28 million BGN.

The total number of insured persons in pension funds as of 31.12.2022 is 4 920 995 and the gross receipts from contributions - 2 233 million BGN.

Special Investment Purpose Companies

For the reference 2022, at the NSI were submitted 252 annual reports by special investment purpose companies, with total balance value of their assets the end of the year for 12 723 million BGN. Foreign assets received (securities and cash to customers) amounted to 7 785 million BGN.

The financial income of special purpose in companies for 2022 at current prices totalled 1 894 million BGN and the financial result for the year was a profit of 56 million BGN.

Associations and Foundations

According to preliminary data, the number of associations and foundations, which have submitted annual reports for 2022 at the NSI, was 10 137. The balance value of their assets as of 31.12.2022 amounted to 1 466 million BGN.

The members of associations and foundations as of 31.12.2022 were 2 094 527, of which 179 127 were legal entities and 1 915 400 were individuals. The working volunteers were 54 605, as they worked a total of 1 188 745 hours.


[1] The turnover includes the gross premiums written in the current accounting year.

Date: 31.08.2023

Source: National Statistical Institute

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