
Annual reports on their activity for 2022 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute (NSI) by 448 409 non-financial enterprises, which was 8.6% more compared to 2021. The number of persons employed in full-time equivalent in the non-financial enterprises was 2 220 091 or 4.3% more than the previous year. The non-financial enterprises generated 277 910 million BGN of the value of output at current prices and reported a positive financial result of 39 803 million BGN (the data are preliminary).

At the NSI 46 090 enterprises in the sector ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ submitted annual reports on their activity for 2022 or 10.3% of the total number of the reported non-financial enterprises. These enterprises employed 107 756 persons who generated a value of output of 13 832 million BGN at current prices. A positive financial result of 3 513 million BGN was reported.

Annual reports on their activities were submitted in NSI by 35 737 industrial enterprises or 8.0% of the total number of the reported non-financial enterprises at the NSI, as the largest share had the sector ‘Manufacturing’ - 84.5%. The value of output at current prices, manufactured by the industrial sector amounted to 119 854 million BGN, which formed 43.1% of the total production value of non-financial enterprises. This sector employed 579 987 persons or 26.1% of the total number of persons employed in non-financial enterprises. The industrial enterprises finished 2022 with a positive financial result of 12 002 million BGN at current prices - the largest contribution had the sector ‘Manufacturing’, which formed 58.3% of that result.

At the NSI 23 748 construction enterprises submitted annual reports on their activity or 5.3% of the total number of reported non-financial enterprises. The largest share had the enterprises engaged in specialized construction activities - 52.5%. The construction enterprises employed 144 137 persons or 6.5% of the total number of persons employed in non-financial enterprises. The construction sector generated a value of output of 22 931 million BGN at current prices or 8.2% of the total production value. The construction sector finished 2022 with a positive financial result of 2 043 million BGN at current prices and ‘Construction of buildings’ formed 39.9% of that result.

Annual reports on their activity for 2022 were submitted at the NSI by 137 294 trade enterprises or 30.6% of the total number of reported non-financial enterprises. The largest share had ‘Retail trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles’ - 68.2%. This sector engaged 490 207 persons or 22.1% of the total number of persons employed in non-financial enterprises. The trade sector generated a value of output of 38 017 million BGN at current prices or 13.7% of the total production value of non-financial enterprises. The trade enterprises realized a positive financial result of 10 068 million BGN at current prices and ‘Wholesale trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles’ formed 70.6% of that result.

At the NSI 205 540 enterprises in the service sector submitted annual reports or 45.8% of the total number of reported non-financial enterprises. This sector employed 898 004 persons or 40.4% of the total number of persons employed in non-financial enterprises. At current prices, in the service sector was generated value of output of 83 276 million BGN that formed 30.0% of the total production value of non-financial enterprises. The service sector finished 2022 with a positive financial result of 12 177 million BGN and 23.6% of that result were realized by ‘Information and communication’.

Date: 31.08.2023

Source: National Statistical Institute

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