
The Bulgarian Industrial Association will organize its first Multiplier Event within the HED-RES-EU project on 19 June 2023 at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia.

The main goal is to make a presentation to students and teachers of the project, its goals, the development of an e-learning platform and a digital curriculum. It is important that students are informed and trained at an early stage about the use of different forms of renewable energy.

Experts from BIA will also examine some strategic documents related to the development of renewable energy in Bulgaria. Such are the Strategy for Sustainable Energy Development of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030 with a horizon until 2050, the Strategy for Transition to a Circular Economy 2022 - 2027. Examples from some European countries will also be given, and there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Date: 19.06.2023

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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