
The final of the competition took place immediately after the Digital4Sofia conference. BIA was a partner of the event.

The Bulgarian winner was announced last night, June 13, at Interpred WTC during the final gala evening of the national qualifying round of the Startup World Cup competition. In addition to the trophy, they earned the opportunity to represent our country at the World Finals at the end of this year in San Francisco, with a trip there secured by the organizers. The Releva team creates a user experience platform that drives revenue for online businesses through strong connections and empathy with users.

More than 40 startups took part in this year's edition of the event, but only the top ten got the opportunity to present their ideas live in front of the jury and guests. The official gala evening was opened by Preslav Bobev, President of the European Association of Digital Experts and Hristo Etropolski, Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Investment Agency, who highlighted: "The recipe for success for the Bulgarian startup ecosystem is when all of us, the state government, local authorities, business representatives, industry organizations work together and join efforts." Lyubomir Atanasov, Managing Partner at Internet Media Group and organizer of the competition, presented the award to Releva. He congratulated the team on their success and wished them to return winners from America as well.

The competition in Startup World Cup Bulgaria 2023 was stronger compared to the previous editions and the participants this year were more ambitious. Scios and Quandoo came second and third. Scios is a platform for strategic solutions. The product's technology combines artificial intelligence with basic principles from behavioural economics, while Quandoo is an English SaaS platform that provides digital tools enabling hotels and accommodation to receive direct bookings, as well as optimise their online marketing and work with different distribution channels.

Date: 14.06.2023

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