
Only 19% of employees meet the required level of digital competence for their position

The majority of enterprises (60%) are defined as low and moderately low level of digitalization, and 40% are defined as moderately high (32%) and high level of digitalization (8%).

  • Most of the enterprises in the food and processing industry are defined as having a low level of digitalization.
  • With a relatively high level of digitalization, most of the enterprises in the sectors are determined: production of electrical equipment; production of basic chemicals; paints and varnishes; paper and cardboard production; wholesale and retail; hotels and restaurants.
  • Larger enterprises and those with foreign participation have a higher level of digitalization than smaller ones.
  • About a quarter (23%) of the surveyed enterprises have long-term strategies for digital transition and digital transformation.

This is shown by the results of the analyzes and studies carried out within the framework of the "Ready for Digital Transformation" project, carried out by the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP) and the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB). The project was financed with funds from the Operational Program "Development of Human Resources" 2014-2020 and aims to increase the specific digital skills of the workforce in 16 economic activities/sub-activities under the 2008 CID.

The survey was conducted through an online survey platform, and 1,460 respondents from 103 enterprises in 16 economic activities (sectors) were covered in the survey. The results were summarized by sectoral commissions with the participation of 150 managers, Human Resources specialists, representatives of social partners and educational institutions.

Based on the results of the survey, 16 sectoral reports have been prepared on the state and needs for the development of the digital skills of the workforce.

Date: 20.03.2023

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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