
Lecture on the topic "Fundamentals of creating an online store and the professions related to online business" was presented to students at the "Acad. Ivan Gyuzelev" High School of Science and Mathematics in Gabrovo.

The professions that a few years ago we announced as those of the future are now a fact.

The rapid pace of development of innovations, as a rule, outstrips the training provided in the educational program. Regional Industrial Association - Gabrovo has held numerous events to stimulate business to implement new technologies, increasing the efficiency and intelligence of production solutions. This process is inevitably dependent on prepared personnel for the realization of new technologies and their application.

Many productions and commercial ventures are already developing on-line sales and the business needs such specialists. This is the reason why the idea was born to organize a series of lectures for students to show the first steps in this business - both as entrepreneurship and as professions implementing the sales process on the Internet.

The lecture was attended by great interest. The difference between an on-line store and a marketplace, the specialties of the personnel who serve them, the cross sales and up sales techniques when communicating with customers on-line, the types of communication channels were examined.

Key speaker was the chairman of the eCommerce Academy, Nikola Ilchev, who was in Gabrovo, within the framework of a two-day networking event on the topic of business.

Date: 10.03.2023

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