
The Union of Brewers in Bulgaria presents results of a European survey

Beer is one of the oldest beverages produced by humans. Recently, more and more artifacts and scientific publications have appeared that beer is perhaps the first alcoholic beverage known to mankind. Certainly today it is the third most popular drink in the world after water and tea, and this is no accident. And the interest in it is much wider than its direct consumption.

The results of a European study provided by the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria (UBB) show that for modern fans of beer, not only the quality of the drink and its variety of flavors are the most important, but also its history, brewing styles, characteristics and culture of consumption. These statements are to a large extent also valid for the perception of the sparkling drink by the Bulgarian consumers. 85% attach importance to the variety of beer flavors - 93 points out of 100 possible, followed by the centuries-old history of beer - 91 points, and in third place - with 88 points, Bulgarians place the authentic ingredients and quality of the drink.

Ancient beer has come a long way - from a clay pot of barley mash to where it is today - a crystal clear, pleasantly bitter, cold, fizzy and refreshing drink. More and more often, brewing is perceived as a symbiosis between science and art, and the more daring even claim that it is a magical transformation, because of the complex processes in beer technology. It is thanks to the combination of tradition and innovation, as well as the skills of the master brewers, that we can enjoy an abundance of brands and assortments of beer, experiment and sip from the diversity of over 120 styles registered in Europe.

To date, hundreds of brands and dozens of types of beer are also available in Bulgaria. In recent years, it is noticeable that the perception of beer as a drink, suitable for any occasion and for any consumer, is also growing.

The Union of Brewers is a member of BIA and is the representative organization of beer producers in the country. Members of the association are: "Bolyarka - VT", "Britos", "Zagorka", "Kamenitsa", "Carlsberg Bulgaria", "Lomsko Pivo", "Dorovski Invest" and their raw material suppliers, materials and equipment. In total, they produce 99% of beer in the country. Since 2007, UBB has been a member of the Brewers of Europe, which unites all EU countries.

Date: 09.03.2023

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