
Forced curtailments should only be considered as an option of very last resort


20 July 2022 - Today, the European Commission presented a package of measures aiming to prepare Europe for potential future major gas supply disruptions. While gas prices continue to skyrocket, there is a possibility that gas supplies flows from Russia might be further disrupted in the coming months. In today’s Communication, the European Commission calls on Member States to implement measures aiming to reduce gas demand, including fuel-switching where possible and energy savings. This is essential to avoid forced gas demand curtailments at a later stage.

BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said: "Forced curtailment of production would have disastrous economic effects and often irreversible impact on businesses. It should be considered only as an option of very last resort. The focus must be - first and foremost - on ensuring that we do not reach this situation in the first place. In this light, we stress the importance of market-based measures and exploring existing demand flexibilities, incentivising consumers who can reduce their consumption to do so. Together with diversifying supplies and increasing our own productions wherever possible, this should limit the significant damage to the European economy to the extent possible."

Date: 20.07.2022

Source: BusinessEurope

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