
European Parliament’s final vote on DMA and DSA is a bold positive step

Today the European Parliament made its final vote on the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. While the DSA aims to harmonise rules to create a safer, more predictable and trusted online environment, the DMA seeks to promote competition in the digital sector by curbing the market power and unfair practices of large digital platforms acting as “gatekeepers”.

BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said:

“We’ve supported the intentions of both the DMA and the DSA, and the EU has made a bold step towards fair competition and more safety in the digital sector. However, the essential challenge now is enforcement and actual impact of these pieces of law. While during the negotiations the spotlight was on the big tech, this package affects the digital economy across the board. Competitiveness of our digital players is at stake. Therefore, ensuring compliance must go hand in hand with the needs and the opportunities that lie ahead for smaller businesses, so that they become the digital leaders of the next decades.”

Date: 05.07.2022

Source: BusinessEurope

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