
Three companies and two branch organizations were accepted as members of BIA at today's meeting of the Board of the Association

At a regular meeting held today (April 6, 2022), the Board of Management of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) elected Prof. Tanya Yosifova - longtime arbitrator in the BIA AC as chairwoman of the BIA Court of Arbitration. Prof. Yosifova has over 20 years of legal experience. She was a research supervisor of doctoral students in civil law, author of opinions on interpretative cases of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Constitutional Court. Author of three monographs in the field of civil and commercial law - "Imaginary representation", "Commission contract" and "Effect of the contract on persons". Natalia Sabeva, Chief Legal Adviser of BIA, and Kina Chuturkova, Partner in BOYANOV & Co., were elected as Deputy Chairwomen of the Court of Arbitration at BIA.

The members of the Management Board accepted the annual reports and the annual financial statements for 2021 of the subsidiaries of BIA - Bozhidar Danev Publishing House EOOD, BIA-Imoti EOOD and BIC Capital Market EOOD, and listened to a report on the operational activities of BIA in the period between two meetings of the Management Board (09.02.2022 - 06.04.2022).

By a decision of today's meeting in place of Dobri Mitrev (Chairman of the Board) Silvia Todorova - Director of the Center "Entrepreneurship" in BIA, as of mid-May 2022, was appointed representative of BIA in the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Two branch organizations and three trade companies were accepted as members of BIA:

  • G & M HR Agency is licensed as a recruitment agency providing expert and consulting services in the field of human resources management by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy under number 2636 on 22.10.2018. The company operates as an HR agency, assisting job applicants to make the right choice in subsequent developments in the field of work.
  • Cyber Services Ltd. with a subject of activity "software development, creation, development, sale and implementation of software products, training and transfer of know-how in the field of information technology, information, research and training services."
  • Sofbau EOOD with subject of activity Construction / tunnel and infrastructure / in the country and abroad, trade representation and mediation, commission, forwarding and transport transactions, warehousing and licensing transactions, hotel, tourist, advertising, information, program, impresario or others services, acquisition, storage, carrying and use of explosives for industrial purposes.
  • Bulgarian Hookah Association with a subject of activity "protection of the rights and interests of its members engaged in the field of hookahs and hookah culture". The association was registered in August 2019 as a result of the growing interest in hookah smoking. Bulgarian Hookah Association is the only official body that represents and unites the interests of companies involved in the field of hookahs and hookah culture.
  • Bulgarian Association for Parking and Sustainable Urban Mobility with subject of activity "development of consulting activities, organization of training activities, research projects and research activities; consulting activities; organization of seminars, conferences, round tables, discussion forums, publishing, trade in advertising materials and any other business activity related to the ideal goals set by the Association.

Date: 06.04.2022

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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