
Thanks to the partnership between the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) and the PITCCH project, 4 new challenges on topics such as digital technologies, industrial biotechnologies and advanced production technologies have been published on the BIA platform for open innovations.

The new challenges are:

1. Creating value through biotransformation of ‘aroma waste’

Create value from the ‘aroma’ by-product that is generated during their manufacturing process and normally incinerated as waste.

2. Aerosol sensor to detect harmful pesticide concentrations in vehicle cabins

Develop a sensor to detect critical pesticide concentrations inside the cabin of tractors and other agricultural vehicles and which can distinguish between regular aerosols (e.g. water droplets) and hazardous pesticide aerosols.

3. Valorization of lignin to chemicals or materials in an integrated biorefinery

Offer a technology that converts lignin.

4. Exploring new Energy Aggregation Solutions – Peer 2 Peer energy trading

Develop a digital solution for supporting the implementation of novel business models related to DER aggregation, such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) electricity trading, that would add value to the company’s current portfolio.

The BIA Open Innovation Platform connects companies and institutions with startups to solve a specific problem or develop a new solution in a specific area. We are here to:

  • support business and administration to find new innovative solutions to existing or emerging problems;
  • provide an opportunity for startups to cooperate and partner with large companies;
  • we improve the process of open innovation in Bulgaria;
  • support the better development of the innovation ecosystem.

To view the full description of a challenge and apply, you must first register on the platform HERE.

Date: 10.03.2022

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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