
Bulgarian business has urged the government to change the electricity price compensation scheme by lifting the energy aid ceiling due to the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

Otherwise, our economy is threatened with bankruptcy. This is written in the common position of the nationally represented employers' organizations, which want a meeting with the Prime Minister and the line ministers to negotiate emergency measures in the energy sector.

The business shows the current price of electricity for today from BGN 840 per megawatt hour and up to BGN 1170 at peak hours.

And the expectations for the next few days are that the price will reach 800 euros per megawatt, Dobri Mitrev, President of BIA, told BNR.

"It is shocking what is happening. So I will try to contact the prime minister, we will insist that the government change the compensation scheme immediately, removing this ceiling of support. Our economy, our industry, will sink.

I expect the cessation of production, serious unemployment, social tensions, economic collapse and, unfortunately, social collapse as well."

The situation with the prices of natural gas and raw materials for industry is worse, said Dobri Mitrev.

Therefore, the employers insist on an urgent meeting with the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Energy, Finance and Economy, at which urgent measures will be taken to compensate for the production.

Date: 09.03.2022

Source: BNRBulgarian National Radio

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