
IT, restaurants, construction, services are among the sectors with interest in hiring Ukrainians - Jasmina Saraivanova, expert "Social Dialogue" in BIA, an interview for Economy.bg

Bulgarian employers can provide up to 200 000 jobs to those coming from Ukraine in search of asylum from the war. According to the Association of the Organizations of Bulgarian Employers (AOBE), 20 000 of them would hire only the textile industry. Representatives of the IT industry pointed out that they can hire up to 30 000 specialists in the high-tech sectors.

In which branches can Ukrainian refugees be realized in our country, what are the conditions for their employment and how can the procedures be facilitated, what will be the effect on the business in our country from the crisis - a discussion on these and other issues with Jasmina Saraivanova, Social Dialogue expert at BIA.

According to your estimates, how many Ukrainians could take over the Bulgarian labor market?

Bulgarian employers can provide up to 200 000 jobs to those coming from Ukraine in search of asylum from the war. Employers' organizations are in talks with the government to create an optimal mechanism for exchanging information on those entering the country, jobseekers and vacancies. On March 1, representatives of employers' organizations met with Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer to identify concrete steps to coordinate state and business efforts to help refugees from the war in Ukraine, such as accommodation and employment. At the meeting it became clear that a National Coordination Headquarters will be established with the participation of employers, which will support Ukrainian citizens seeking asylum and work in our country. A unified information portal will be launched, where information about the available jobs in Bulgaria for Ukrainian citizens will be uploaded. It will contain information on what professional qualifications and education are required.

In which branches could they be employed?

Refugees from the war in Ukraine could be involved in almost all industries and sectors. Labor shortages in Bulgaria have been a problem for years. Currently, this provides an opportunity for inclusion in the labor market of those coming to Bulgaria. Of course, all this depends on their personal qualifications and their territorial location in Bulgaria. It is very important that men of active age in Ukraine are mobilized, which means that the profile of most of the refugees who will come to our country will be women, men who are not subject to mobilization, children. This is directly related to the opportunities for the inclusion of those coming to Bulgaria in the labor market.

Are there sectors with already expressed interest in offering work to Ukrainian citizens?

Some employers have already declared their readiness to hire those leaving Ukraine who have chosen to seek asylum in Bulgaria. These are employers from various industries, sectors and economic activities, including catering, construction, services, IT and others.

What are the current conditions for hiring Ukrainians in our country? Is the blue card the main tool?

Bulgarian legislation stipulates that Bulgarian employers may employ Ukrainian or other citizens if they have refugee status or humanitarian status. In these cases they are equated to Bulgarian citizens. They can register with the labor offices and use all the measures used by the unemployed under the Employment Promotion Act. Under the current regulation, when persons are in the process of granting international protection, they must wait at least 3 months after submitting the application in order to be able to enjoy these rights.

How can the procedure be facilitated? And are such steps already being taken?

Employers' organizations are in talks with the state for urgent changes and the introduction of shortened deadlines in view of the Ukrainian crisis, so that the documents of Ukrainian citizens can be processed faster and they have faster access to the labor market. It is necessary to have a very good information campaign to explain how important the status that those coming to Bulgaria have or should acquire. It is key to their inclusion in the labor market.

You are preparing a survey on the potential negative effects on business of the crisis in Ukraine. Do you already have preliminary data? When do you expect the final results?

As of 1 March 2022, the interim results of the survey show that the main expectations of the respondents are rising fuel and natural gas prices, deteriorating transport and logistics, supply problems; disruption of the supply chain, cessation of sales, loss of markets, uncertainty of payments, inflation, suspension of seasonal employment, jump in commodity prices.

Date: 02.03.2022

Source: Economy.bg

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