
it comes to gas, it's our weakest point. We do not have a plan "B" and we do not have the opportunity to react in any way, said for BNT the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov.

According to him, Azeri gas cannot compensate for what we import from Gazprom. This will hit some sectors of the economy. According to him, the budget, which is being finalized today, should provide an option for a buffer.

Already last year, international and financial institutions forecast a price of over $ 100 per barrel, which puts at risk the calculation of revenues and costs in this large difference between the projected price of oil. At the same time, the non-implementation of infrastructure projects will affect the construction industry in some way and a way will still be sought to compensate for unrealized revenues, summed up the expert from BIA Shteryo Nozharov.

From Russia we import mainly energy raw materials and various metals. Our trade with Russia is about 6%, and exports are only 1.5%. It mainly affects the production of medicines. Our total trade with Ukraine is about 1 billion US dollars. But these are sensitive raw materials. Our economy will be much more affected than the economies of other European countries, he added.

Date: 24.02.2022

Source: Bulgarian National Television

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