
The number of jobs advertised on the primary labor market in January was 11 788 or 3821 more than in the previous month and 410 more than in the same month of 2021. This is shown by the data from the administrative statistics of the Employment Agency for the beginning of 2022. A large share of vacancies in the real economy is declared in the manufacturing industry (29.3%), followed by trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (12.9%), hotels and restaurants (10.8%), administrative and support service activities (10.7%), general government (7.6%) and education (6.3%).

The most sought-after professions in business during the month are: machine operators of stationary machines and equipment; workers in the mining and processing industry, construction and transport; personnel employed in the field of personal services; sellers; staff caring for people; drivers of motor vehicles and mobile equipment; metallurgists, machine builders and related craftsmen; skilled workers in the production of food, clothing, wood products and related; security and protection personnel; installers, etc.

11 885 are the unemployed who started working in January. The Employment Agency reported a decrease in their number by 2282 compared to December and by 2420 compared to the same month of the previous year. Another 154 people from the groups of pensioners, students and employees have found their new jobs through the labor offices.

The registered unemployment in the country in January was 4.9%, with an increase of 0.1 percentage points on a monthly basis. The decline on an annual basis is by 2.1 percentage points.

Date: 15.02.2022

Source: National Employment Agency

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