
In 2022 the Center turns 24 years old

The 25 000th student of the Center for Training in Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Industrial Association is Ralitsa Nikolova - Senior Network Administrator at Atos Bulgaria Competency Center.

Ralitsa learned about the activities of the Center in 2016 from her colleague and former instructor at the Center Tsvetan Dobrudjaliev, on whose recommendation she enrolled in a CCNA - Cisco certified network associate course. Satisfied with this training, she enrolled again in a DevNet Associate course in 2021. Over the years, Ralitsa also recommended the courses to her colleagues, who are also successfully trained at the BIA Center.

The Center for Training and Consultations in Information and Communication Technologies of BIA has been offering training for 24 years for working with word processing programs, spreadsheets, for preparing presentations, working with e-mail, project management, etc., licensed by the National Agency for vocational education and training (№ 200312048/02.10.2003)

For 22 years the Center is also a Cisco Academy, which trains for the CCNA and CCNP levels - specialist and professional in networking, network security, network programming and automation - DevNet and others. The instructors at Cisco Academy are certified network experts who have passed exams and received specialized methodological training for Cisco instructors. The quality of education at Cisco Academy of BIA is evidenced by numerous national and international awards: for the best instructor in the country, for the best student in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, for the best management of a network academy and others. Since April 2012, the academy is also an Instructor Training Center.

Recognition for the high quality of education in the Center are its numerous clients, among which are government and financial institutions, companies from various sectors of the economy, media and others. Among them are: the Administrative Prosecutor's Office, the Appellate Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office, the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Environment, the National Security Networks and Information Systems. Sofia Municipality, Financial Supervision Commission, Registry Agency, Cadastre Agency, Employment Agency, National Construction Control Directorate, Sofia City Education Inspectorate, Kozloduy NPP, Actavis EAD, Bayer Bulgaria EOOD, Balkanpharma AD, Biochim Bank, Blizu Media and Broad Band EAD, Benax AD, the British Embassy, ​​Bulgartel, Bulstrad AD, the Bulgarian National Television, the Bulgarian Telecommunication Company, the Bulgaria Newspaper Group, the Military Medical Academy Germanos Telecom Bulgaria AD, Glavbolgarstroy AD, Daichman Shoe Trade EOOD, Electron Progress, Elektrorazpredelenie EAD, Infopartners EOOD, Intra com Bulgaria, Kamenitza AD, CableTel, Corporate Bank, Peace Corps, Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD, Lukoil Neftochim AD - Burgas, Lukoil Technology Services Bulgaria EOOD, Metropolitan AD, MobilTel EAD, the National Health Insurance Fund, Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD, Siemens Information and Communication EOOD, Sopharma AD, Sofiyska Voda AD, Smart Sys OOD, SKF Bulgaria, Himkomplekt AD, Hemus Hotel, Schneider Electric EOOD, CEZ Bulgaria EAD and others.

"For BIA, as an organization of employers, it is extremely important that its members have educated and qualified employees who are key to the success and competitiveness of companies. BIA strives to be in contact with employers who are looking for a quality workforce and to help those who successfully complete the training to find a worthy place for their professional realization," said the director of the Center Teodora Borisova.

More information about ICT trainings and detailed programs can be found at https://educentre.bia-bg.com/. For contacts: educentre@bia-bg.com; phone 0888 832172.

Date: 11.02.2022

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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