
From the middle of December 2021 to the beginning of February 2022 BIA has prepared and presented to the institutions and the public 10 official positions, mainly related to the high prices of electricity, as well as to the draft budgets of the Republic of Bulgaria, the State social security and the National Health Insurance Fund.

This is clear from the report on the activities of the operational team of BIA, presented to the Management Board of the Association, which today (February 9, 2022) held its first meeting of the year. According to the document, in the reporting period representatives of BIA participated in one meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation and in two meetings of the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria. BIA experts have been actively involved in the preparation of a number of opinions on the topics and issues discussed in the working groups and committees of BusinessEurope, as well as in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). BIA is to be the rapporteur on behalf of the Group of Employers of the EESC for the elaboration of the annual EESC resolution on the Annual Program of the European Commission for 2023.

Five companies were accepted as members of BIA:

1. KP Building with subject of activity "processing and treatment of metal products". The company was founded in March 2021, and its main activity is processing of metal products. The company also offers ready-made designer products of glass and metal, designed for interior and exterior.

2. Eco Water Solutions with subject of activity "design, construction, supply, import and sale of systems and installations for water purification and water supply and sewerage". The company is present on the market under the trademark FIVO and is the first in Bulgaria whose activities are entirely focused on solutions to provide unlimited, clean, drinking water for offices, factories, office buildings, hospitals, kindergartens and any other workplace.

3. Excelor Holding Group with subject of activity "trade in specialized cars and equipment". The company implements projects for the supply of a wide range of specialized equipment - protective, industrial, electrical, measuring, detector, laboratory, diagnostic and other specialized equipment; armored vehicles, fire, police, airport and other specialized vehicles; aircraft and vessels.

4. Banchev Kolev with the subject of activity "software development and consulting in the field of information technology". The company was founded in 2017, and its main activity is software development and consulting in the field of information technology, business and entrepreneurship.

5. Aspecto Bulgaria EOOD with subject of activity “management of resources and processes in the field of IT; research and development”. The company was established a year ago. The subject of activity of Aspecto Bulgaria EOOD includes the following activities: marketing and business research, advertising, organizational consulting and business process management, mediation and trade in intellectual property products, technologies and know-how.

The next meeting of the Board of BIA is scheduled for 6 April 2022.

Date: 09.02.2022

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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