
Commission’s EU standardisation strategy must remain market-driven 

Today, the European Commission presented its standardisation strategy. It rightly stresses the importance of standardisation for our global competitiveness and supports policies aimed at better anticipating and defining the European standardisation priorities.

BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said:

“We must consolidate a strong European Standardisation System and improve and speed up standardisation processes which are a prerequisite for private investment. This will make the now proposed standardisation strategy successful and will allow us to deliver on Europe’s strategic priorities, notably the twin digital and green transitions.

However, the European Commission’s political ambitions must not undermine a market-driven standardisation environment, and keep the EU’s close links to international standardisation organisations. Europe’s competitiveness will depend on our ability to lead and be an active player in international standards.

The European Standardisation System has offered a reliable model for many years, based on the successful, consensus-based and solid national delegation principle. These principles must be preserved.”

BusinessEurope looks forward to contributing to the work of the newly established High-Level Forum and other discussions to address strategic questions and current bottlenecks in standardisation processes.

Date: 02.02.2022


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