
On 21 December 2021, the 40th annual meeting of the regional organizations and local bodies of BIA was held. In view of the epidemic situation in the country, this year the meeting took place hybrid - online and on site in the "Moon" hall of BIA. The participants had the opportunity to share their work on current projects, the challenges they face in different regions of the country, the problems that businesses experience locally, and the services that regional industrial associations offer to support Bulgarian business.

The problem of high electricity prices, the introduction of the Green Deal and the constant anticipation of another COVID wave are emerging as the most serious concerns of entrepreneurs in the country.

The issue of changes in the Labor Code and the request not to accrue paid maternity and sick leave was raised again.

The possibility of expanding the list of services, trainings and consultations that regional organizations and local bodies can provide in different cities of the country was also discussed.

With the new programming period of the INTERREG Cross-Border Cooperation Programs, RIAs see an opportunity, in addition to applying, to support companies by finding partners from neighboring countries such as Greece, Turkey and Romania. With these neighbors, some of our regional structures have already implemented successful projects and can now share their experience with companies that will apply for the first time. The Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean program is expected to open in the summer of this year, in which Bulgaria will have the opportunity to participate as a pilot.

The workshop provided opportunities for detailed discussion of guidelines for the development of local business, offering new and adequate services on the market and deepening communication with the executive and local authorities.

In 2022, the hybrid format of the meetings will take place every month, discussing current issues and working on concrete and timely actions.

Date: 21.12.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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