
The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) and the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) have renewed an agreement on strategic cooperation in the field of digitalization of the economy and the use of big data systems.

Both sides agreed on the importance of positioning and promoting Bulgaria as a high-tech country, as well as promoting synergies between academia, entrepreneurs, investors, institutions and new businesses to turn ideas into new products and bring new technologies to market.

The subject of the contract is the partnership between UNWE and BIA in the implementation of projects and activities related to technological transfer and commercialization of research results, in order to unlock the scientific and economic potential of Bulgaria, including and the creation of high value-added jobs for the economy in the medium and long term.

UNWE provides an opportunity to BIA to use the technological infrastructure of the Center of Competence under the project "Digitalization of the economy in a big data environment", and BIA is committed to UNWE with services aimed at:

  • support in seeking financing for innovative and start-up companies.
  • investor relations and VC;
  • support in the creation of spin-off companies and their commercialization;
  • support in the activity for Technology transfer.

Coordinator for the implementation of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement by BIA is Hristina Kasparyan - Chief Expert at the International Economic Relation Centre, and on behalf of UNWE - Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova Head of the Department of Information Technology and Communications.

Date: 17.12.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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