
I am pleased to announce to the public in the region that Regional Industrial Association Gabrovo is one of the four approved organizations in the country that will have the opportunity to participate in a pilot program of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, which will develop business centers providing services, qualifications and information to companies, which organize business forums. The evaluation of our proposed business plan is one of the highest, due to the progress shown in recent years, the already established base of basic services and especially the innovations set in the project of RIA Gabrovo, which are:

  • Consulting and servicing activities related to access to finance (including grants, trade and other types of funding)
  • "Green energy and energy saving solutions" - prospects and opportunities for implementation in business.
  • Administrative services, incl. "outsourced office" activities
  • Organizing targeted business meetings and trade missions
  • Cybersecurity

The work on creating the conditions for the development of the activities under the Program will start in January 2022. The project is financed with own funds and resources, and the trainings of experts and the information support are provided by BIA.

RIA Gabrovo expects evaluation of several more projects under national programs that will add value to the quality of business within the region.

Pepa Somleva - President of the Board of RIA Gabrovo

Date: 17.12.2021

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