
"For us, the green transition, decarbonization and digital transition must be among the top priorities of the state. The forthcoming transformation is extremely important. In the last 30 years, Bulgaria has reduced its emissions by 60%, but this costs us 40% of employment, reducing the population by more than 20%. That is why today we need to move forward all the projects, which are lacking behind wisely, with strength, with a new National Energy Strategy, with a new Energy-Climate Integrated Plan, so that we can respond to the new challenges as quickly as possible.”

This was said by the president of BIA Dobri Mitrev, who is participating in a discussion on "National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability, Energy and Green Deal" in the framework of today's WEBIT "POWERS SUMMIT.

"Generations after us do not deserve to be left with a messy, dirty, analog state. That is why it is extremely important for us to review all priorities, to see how we can stimulate the industry to transform, to reduce its carbon footprint, to make a transformation based on high-end, new technologies," said Dobri Mitrev. According to him, Bulgarian business and especially micro, small and medium enterprises do not have the capacity to read thousands of pages of regulations, so the state must become an active communicator, to present in accessible language the key parameters of the European green deal. The President of BIA called for the construction of an Internet-based platform to provide all information about the Green Deal and all opportunities for business transformation, as well as to have the opportunity to provide feedback to Bulgarian entrepreneurs who can make the most of from the opportunities for digitalization, transformation and reduction of the carbon footprint.

"We should not only complain that we cannot meet these requirements, but accept them as a challenge, as a goal and an opportunity," said Dobri Mitrev.

Date: 14.12.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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