
The Employment Agency informs the employers who wish to receive funds under measure 60/40 for the months of November and December 2021 and meet the conditions of the Council of Ministers № 151 / 03.07.2020, (amended and supplemented by Council of Ministers Decree 322 / 07.10 .2021) that the deadline for submitting application documents has been extended as follows:

-       For November - the documents must be submitted no later than 31.12.2021

-       For December - the documents must be submitted no later than 31.01.2022

The Employment Agency draws attention to the fact that employers must comply with the set deadlines for application, as the documents submitted after them are not subject to verification and evaluation by the commissions in the labor offices.

The change in the application deadlines was made on the basis of §6 and §7 of the Additional Provisions to CMD 322/2021 and in connection with the decision of the European Commission to extend the EU Temporary Framework for Economic Support under COVID-19 , according to which the funds under measure 60/40 are provided.

The updated materials for information of employers and application procedure, containing the conditions, requirements, procedure and manner of application, are published on the website of the Employment Agency, in the section "Financial incentives to maintain employment". Those who are acquainted with the published documents can get additional information in any directorate "Labor Office" in the country.

Date: 09.12.2021

Source: National Employment Agency

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