
A series of webinars on "How to manage the generational differences and specifics of the workforce in different economic sectors?" Were held on 16 and 18 November 2021, respectively - for the sectors of Construction, Brewing, Tourism and Furniture. The online sector meetings were aimed at sharing good practices in order to exchange experiences in the context of active aging, managing age diversity and promoting solidarity and cooperation between generations in the workplace.

The meetings were attended by educational institutions, employers from the respective sectors, trade union representatives and others. BIA was represented by Dr. Tomcho Tomov, Head of the National Center for Competence Assessment, who presented international experience in the field of company policies in terms of managing generational differences, the specifics of the workplace and opportunities for adaptation. He also presented the results of a joint project to the social partners in this area.

The main topics discussed by the participants in the sectoral meetings were related to the continuity and intergenerational relations, the challenges in the work environment during the crisis, incl. in the vaccination process and the introduction of green certificates. Topics included financial and intangible incentives for staff motivation, the introduction of new concepts for human resource management, work with educational institutions (specialized high schools, colleges and universities), conducting student internships and internships and linking them to contractual relations, the challenges facing the sectors in terms of staff shortages and trained staff.

The companies shared their experience and good practices: Boradi OOD, Andi BG OOD is Tirlin AD from the Construction sector; Kamenitza AD, Carlsberg Bulgaria AD and Zagorka AD from the Beer sector; NOVIZ AD, Hotel Bulgaria and Hotel Hi Hotels Group (Grifid Hotels) from the Tourism sector; Prodiz OOD, Total M OOD, Mebel stil OOD, DesPas OOD, Hristo Botev Vocational High School of Interior Architecture and Woodworking and Ted Bed EAD from the Furniture Production Sector.

Moderators of the meetings were representatives of the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria - Plovdiv, the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber and the Bulgarian Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry.

The webinars were carried out within the project "Joint actions of the social partners for adapting the working environment to the specific ageing needs of different generations with the aim to promote a longer working life and workability", DBF № BG05M9OP001-1.051-0006-C01 , implemented by BIA with the financial support of the Operational Program "Human Resources Development".

Date: 19.11.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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