
The rectors of the Thracian University in Stara Zagora, the University of National and World Economy and the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” Assoc. Prof. Dobri Yarkov, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and Acad. Hristo Beloev, as well as the Bulgarian Industrial Association, start joint work on the project “Approach for modernization and digital transformation of education in priority professional areas of higher education through a partnership between TrU, UNWE, University of Ruse and BIA”.

Priorities in the joint work will be in the field of modernization and development of higher education, as well as ensuring quality development of trained personnel in the field of new specialties such as agrotronics, virtual technologies, nutrition and biomedicine, food quality, veterinary and health tourism.

The modernization of the educational documentation and the development and introduction of new programs are forthcoming; professional development of teachers, by conducting mobility and training and career guidance of students and mobility.

A sustainable and effective link between higher education and the labor market will ensure the sharing of resources, the effective use of hybrid innovative forms of education, as well as the modernization of the educational process through digital transformation and the introduction of modern forms of education.

The aim of the project is to ensure the modernization of higher education through the implementation of a joint model for modernization, digital transformation, raising the qualification and capacity of the teaching staff and ensuring career development of the students covered by the project. Specifically in the participating universities TrU, UNWE, RU and with the help of the employers’ organization BIA aims to achieve a dynamic match between supply and demand of specialists with higher education in the areas covered by the professional areas involved in the project.

The project is funded under the Operational Program “Education for Smart Growth” grant procedure BG05M20P001-2.016 “Modernization of higher education institutions”. The beneficiary is the Thracian University, with an implementation period of 30 months, and the value of the project is BGN 4 864 933,92.

Date: 15.11.2021

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