
On 1 November 2021 nine leading companies opened their doors virtually to over 400 live viewers to present 23 professions key to the banking, software, logistics, mining and energy sectors.

“Our children are important! Nevertheless, companies continue to open doors and virtual rooms to meet young people and tell them about their professions. Whatever professions you choose, take care of the planet, be useful and happy!” This was the message by the the event organizers of the UN Global Compact Network Bulgaria.

“Proud of my parents’ work” is a project that started in 2012 and is held annually, introducing children to the value of work and the importance of each individual for the company in which he works. The various professions are presented in a fascinating way, and the videos remain available for anyone who wants to introduce their children to them later. The presentations are based on guidelines developed jointly with the Business Foundation for Education. So far, more than 20 companies in 19 cities in the country have participated in the project and more than 100 professions from different sectors of the economy have been represented.

Assarel-Medet, DZI, ContourGlobal Maritsa Iztok 3, UBB, Overgas, Postbank, TechnoLogica and Transpress are the companies that took part in the event.

This was the first event of the two emblematic forums for youth career guidance of the Bulgarian network of the UN Global Compact – “Proud of my parents’ work” and “Festival of professions”. At the end of the month, on November 26 and 27, the seventh festival of professions will strengthen its position at the largest public exhibition for presenting to students professions from companies and professionals. The hybrid format of the event, combining the opportunity for virtual walks, streaming and live presence, will again give children and young people the opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of professions and prospects for realization. Participation in both events is an expression of the socially useful and visionary role of the business, which takes care not only of its own future, but also creates conditions for satisfactory realization of young people.

Date: 02.11.2021

Source: Global Compact Network Bulgaria

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