
BusinessEurope has presented its contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe.  In 10 key messages, we address decision-makers and explain how we can strengthen our European Union in a world of deep changes.

“With the huge geopolitical and systemic economic challenges ahead of us, business as usual is not an option,” said Director General Markus J. Beyrer.

While fully supporting the general aim of strengthening the European Union, BusinessEurope believes that we should not over-burden the Conference with expectations that cannot be met.

“Creating unrealistic expectations can backfire and lead to disappointments. Instead, the EU should focus on strengthening its economy and its resilience,” said DG Beyrer.

Director General Markus J. Beyrer added:

“The basis for all our political and societal projects, such as environmental, social and human rights protection, is a vibrant economy which creates prosperity and jobs. This is the foundation for the European Model. Being attractive internationally is the prerequisite for our cherished European Way of Life. If we don’t achieve this, other players will dominate the global economy. And some of these players stand for the opposite of our European Social Model and Way of Life.”

Read BusinessEurope declaration here.

Date: 21.10.2021


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