
The President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association Dobri Mitrev held a meeting with Rolf Negård from the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) in connection with the project “Responsible Social Dialogue for a Dignified Life (Re-Dial)”, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The meeting was attended by Vice President Maria Mincheva and Martin Stoyanov, Chief Expert at the Project Management Center at BIA.

Among the discussed topics during the meeting were the main developments and forthcoming project activities, the increased need for digitalization (including within the project) of the activities of social partners and enterprises in times of pandemic, the situation in Bulgaria in terms of bilateral and tripartite dialogue, as well as and Norway’s experience in dealing with local unions and government. The high level of trade unionization in Norway in the private and public sectors and the good cooperation of employers with employees’ representatives in enterprises were noted.

Social dialogue in Norway could serve as an example of relations between employers and trade unions. I would be happy to apply at least part of your model here,” said the President of BIA Dobri Mitrev.

Mr. Negård commented on the different expectations of employers’ organizations and trade unions, noting that it had taken time in Norway for positions to converge. “It would be useful if we could learn more from the Norwegian experience of drafting collective agreements, of developing negotiation skills among the representatives of the social partners,” added Vice President Maria Mincheva.

Topical issues such as the crisis with high electricity prices for enterprises, the peculiarities of the pension system in both countries, the need to reduce the share of the shadow economy and other issues of mutual interest were also discussed.


Date: 14.10.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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