
The INVESTMENT IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY forum, which took place on 5 October 2021, within the BeSMART project under the EU Horizon 2020 program, was dedicated to energy efficiency policies in Bulgaria with a focus on the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability (NPRS). Participants in the fruitful discussions were representatives of EnEffect, AUER, Bulgarian Industrial Association, Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria, Econoler Bulgaria, Energy Efficiency Alliance, UACEG, Sofia Municipality and Gabrovo Municipality, Center for the Study of Democracy, BGFMA, WWF-Bulgaria, Fund of Funds, EcoEnergy, Fund Energy efficiency and renewable sources, BAIC, Black Sea Energy Research Center, as well as representatives of municipalities, financial institutions, industrial, commercial and professional associations and unions.

In his speech, Dobri Mitrev, Chairman of the Managing Board of BIA assessed the work on upgrading the projects covered by the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability as positive, but also expressed concerns regarding some decisions and the likelihood of the plan being approved in the coming months, given that it has not yet been officially deposited with the EC.

The necessary balance is still lacking in the proposed policies and measures aimed at energy and industry. The measures envisaged for a “low-carbon economy” relate mainly to energy and are aimed at reducing national carbon emissions, which is justified insofar as a number of industrial productions, including the energy-intensive industry, have adapted their activities to the best available techniques and have reduced their emission levels. This is not a general rule for all economic sectors, which should be noted in the NPRS.

Measures to reduce the carbon intensity of industry and emissions from industrial processes are almost non-existent. The possibilities for construction of capacities with RES for own consumption of the enterprises cover no more than 25% of the industrial emissions, and measures for the industrial processes themselves (low carbon technologies) are not provided.

In conclusion, Mr. Mitrev noted that there is still a lot of work to be done, but the Plan is a supporting tool and the funds under it should not replace or push out private investors.

Date: 07.10.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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