
Five online "mentoring workshops" were held as part of a project implemented by BIA

In September, Evelina Vedder, Teodora Borissova and Vessela Georgieva from BIA led five online "Workshops for mentors". The events were part of the project BG05M9OP001-1.051-0006 "Joint actions of the social partners for adapting the working environment to the specific ageing needs of different generations with the aim to promote a longer working life and workability", implemented by BIA, in partnership with CITUB, and funded by the Operational Program Human Resources Development (2014 - 2020).

125 participants from 37 companies had the opportunity to acquire knowledge and practical skills to implement mentoring based on the intergenerational approach. Based on the workshops, the project also foresaw the development of the "Guide for Mentors", which was introduced to the organizations. It presents practical techniques for transferring knowledge and experience between generations and adapting and socializing the newly employed from different ages.

The participants in the workshops exchanged good practices related to the application of intergenerational mentoring in the introduction of newly appointed employees and the development of the necessary skills for their successful performance of the current position; for career development, and the preparation for taking up a new role or new responsibilities; to transfer knowledge and experience between generations and ensure continuity; to acquire and improve leadership skills; the implementation of internship and internship programs, dual training, etc. The shared experience will be summarized in information material and will be available on the project website.

The educational activities related to the project continue. The online "Skills Workshops - Management of Generational Differences" and webinars "Adaptation of workplaces for people with hypertension, diabetes and COPD" will be held in October 2021.

Date: 04.10.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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