
The Chairman of BIA, Dobri Mitrev, was the moderator of a round table "Social Economy, Social Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility" within the Ninth European Forum for Social Entrepreneurship, from September 29 to October 4, at the International Fair - Plovdiv.

"The Bulgarian Industrial Association is the oldest employers' organization in Bulgaria, and its entire 41-year existence has had the main priority of the human being - not the profits of companies, but that we all feel and live better. A particular focus of ours is to develop the most valuable thing we have - human capital. We, as the organization representing Bulgarian entrepreneurs, dream of living in a fair, free and empathetic society, " Dobri Mitrev said at the beginning of the forum. "Good experience, when shared, gives vital energy. For example, we have provided a text to the previous National Assembly to amend the Radio and Television Act to mention company names with informational rather than advertising value. Unfortunately, as a society, we suffer from the fact that the showing of good examples is hindered, " the Chairman of BIA also shared.

Panellists in today's discussion were Katya Staykova (Thrace Economic Zone), Nadia Sinigerska-Bohorova (Contour Global Maritsa East 3), Vanya Buyuklieva (Central Cooperative Union), Gabriela Presolska (Volontime), Chief Assistant Dr Marina Stefanova (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"), Prof. Nikolay Denchev (Brussels Free University) and Alexander Stoichkov (Balkan Online Fair).

The ninth European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is a hybrid event (live and online platforms). The forum also hosts an international online fair of enterprises and cooperatives from the social economy - 90 exhibitors participate worldwide.

On the first day of the forum, the awards for merits in developing European social entrepreneurship - "Stilian Balasopulov" were presented. Furthermore, a European conference, "Social entrepreneurship for sustainable development of Europe", was held to introduce European and national policies related to social entrepreneurship in various sectors.

Date: 01.10.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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